I am TYRANTRON, an evil galactic robot. During a perilous space journey, I crash-landed into a child's bedroom. Outrageously, I was presumed as a mere TOY and stowed away in a toy box! I must break down and rebuild myself to progress through the room and return to my villainous spaceship!


A/D - Move left / right, switch pieces in edit mode

Space - Extend Fist

Scroll - Rotate fist

E - Access edit mode

Left / Right Both - Add / Delete in edit mode

R - Respawn at last checkpoint

Made in 4 days for GMTK Game Jam 2024

David Van Hise (@retrisma) - Programming, Design

Jack Scherban - Music, Level Design

Stephen Pachucki - Level Design

Jacob Carlos (@jacobsaintpim) - Art

Graham Teller - Art

Thomas Ward (@mm2wood_mid) - Sound Effects


TyrantronToybox.zip 20 MB


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I am TYRANTRON, an evil galactic robot. During a perilous space journey, I crash-landed into a child's bedroom. Outrageously, I was presumed as a mere TOY and stowed away in a toy box! I must break down and rebuild myself to progress through the room and return to my villainous spaceship!


I am TYRANTRON, an evil galactic robot. During a perilous space journey, I crash-landed into a child’s bedroom. Outrageously, I was presumed as a mere TOY and stowed away in a toy box! I must break down and rebuild myself to progress through the room and return to my villainous spaceship!